What is Baptism?
Baptism is a public declaration that we’ve come to Christ and intend to follow Him in every area of our life.
If you have never been baptized after coming to Christ, this is your next step!
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What is Baptism?
Baptism is a public declaration that we’ve come to Christ and intend to follow Him in every area of our life.
If you have never been baptized after coming to Christ, this is your next step!
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Baptism is a public declaration that we’ve come to Christ and intend to follow Him in every area of our life.
If you have never been baptized after coming to Christ, this is your next step!
What is Baptism?
Baptism is a public declaration that we’ve come to Christ and intend to follow Him in every area of our life.
If you have never been baptized after coming to Christ, this is your next step!
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Baptism is a public declaration that we’ve come to Christ and intend to follow Him in every area of our life.
If you have never been baptized after coming to Christ, this is your next step!
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Baptism is a public declaration follow we’ve come to Christ and intend to follow Him in every area of our life.
If you have never been baptized after coming to Christ, this is your next step!
Baptism is a public declaration that we’ve come to Christ and intend to follow Him in every area of our life.
If you have never been baptized after coming to Christ, this is your next step!
What is Baptism?
Baptism is a public declaration that we’ve come to Christ and intend to follow Him in every area of our life.
If you have never been baptized after coming to Christ, this is your next step!
Frequently Asked Questions
Who should be Baptized?
Jesus’ death on the cross is the only thing that can provide forgiveness for our sins. Salvation happens only when a person places his or her faith in Christ’s death and resurrection as the payment for this or her sin. At Emmanuel, we call this “coming to Christ.”
If you’ve come to Christ, then you are ready to be baptized.
Just like a husband and wife publicly show their love for one another by wearing wedding rings, baptism is your opportunity to show others that you love Jesus and are committed to growing more like Him.
What does baptism symoblize?
You are done with your old life (Going underwater) and you have started a new life in Christ (Coming out of the water).
Jesus has cleansed you of sin through your faith.
You publicly pledge to follow Christ.
Because Jesus instructed us to be baptized, baptism is an act of obedience, not a requirement for salvation. We fully immerse underwater because Scripture shows Jesus model this as the way to publicly acknowledge our faith in him.
What about infant Christening or Baptism?
Some denominations choose to christen or baptize infants.
While Puritan MBC recognizes the right of other churches to practice infant christening, we interpret Scripture to instruct that only those who place their faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin qualify for baptism.
Baptism does not make you a believer; rather, it shows that you already believe.